How to Disable Zoom Echo Cancellation How to disable Zoom echo cancellation & noise suppression for better audio. Learn when to disable, and follow our step-by-step guide.
The Importance of Quality Audio Equipment for Podcasting Success The role of microphones and recording equipment and importance of quality audio equipment for podcasting success.
5 Tips for Getting Good Sound Recordings for Your Podcast 5 tips for improving the sound quality of your podcast recordings.
Is it okay use copyrighted music in my podcast? Can you use copyrighted music in podcasts? Avoid this huge podcasting mistake to save yourself from potential copyright claims and even lawsuits.
Podcasting Q&A – October 19, 2019 Podcasting Q&A covering how to start a podcast, planning a podcast episode, copyright infringement, and more.
The Podcast Process Every podcast goes through some form of production, post-production and publication. Even if they can’t put a finger on it listeners recognize the difference between a well-produced podcast and a rushed […]